Saturday, February 16, 2013

She's Not That Into You

Have you ever met someone and had such a great chemistry that it felt like you had known each other forever? I ask this, because a little while back I met a guy from an online dating site and we had such a great time together. Even though I was forty minutes late (That was the night I realized people weren’t joking about traffic being horrible in LA. Didn’t help that I got lost too.) and we were the only people at the bar it didn’t feel awkward.

The thing was he was a bit heavier than his pictures looked and he looked a few years older than he said he was. My type is usually thin and tall; he was short and a little overweight. I really liked his personality, but I just wasn’t physically attracted to him. I was hoping (as I stupidly do too often) that if I hung out with him more that I would eventually become attracted to him. After four more dates it become obvious that he really liked me and I was just not that into him.

He would be a great male friend, but he said he didn’t want to just be friends and so we are back to being strangers shopping for love online. 

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